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Describe the team member here, including details about their unique skills and qualifications. You can mention their education, previous experience and general qualities that make them great at what they do.
For more than 15 years, I've been working with international clients on a range of projects, gathering experience in diverse areas. I look forward to hearing about your project and plan its success together.
In this position, I led a team of more than 40 professional and volunteer staff members, from various company departments.
Advisor, South Company
In this position, I led a team of more than 40 professional and volunteer staff members, from various company departments.
Project manager, East Company
In this position, I led a team of more than 40 professional and volunteer staff members, from various company departments.
New York University
MBA in International Studies and Economics
Texas University
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (BAIS)
Entrepreneurial Mindset
Go-to-Market Planning
Teamwork & Collaboration
Digital Analytics
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Fatto in Toscana ♥ con amore.